I finally had a chance, while driving for several hours through rural Wisconsin, to listen to the liberal radio talk network "Air America." I wish they'd chosen a different name, for two reasons.
First, the name "Air America" implies that it represents the thoughts of the majority of Americans. In other words, a visitor to this country might tune in, thinking, "Hey, Air America! This must be the voice of all Americans!" Let me tell you, it isn't.
Second, using the name "Air America" is an insult to the real, original Air America, the government-owned airline that flew so many important missions in Southeast Asia in the 1960s and 70s, and whose pilots and crews distinguished themselves in the service of our country.
OK, on to my point: In listened to most of two different shows. Again putting myself in the shoes of a recent immigrant to this country who has not yet made up his or her mind about what political party to join, I was struck with the overwhelming negativity about our nation that I heard from the Democrat camp. In the space of one particularly viscious half-hour, I heard one host and his guest use the following phrases and words:
"Bush lied." (At least 5 times)
"Evil Administration."
"We are losing the war."
"This situation we're in is actually worse than Vietnam."
"There were no WMDs. Period."
"Iraq is a mess." (Twice.)
"Cheney is a damned liar."
"2100 of our innocent young people have been slaughtered for no good reason."
"...Stupid Texan..."
"...Halliburton cover-up..."
"...National disgrace..."
"...Corruption in the Administration..."
"Impeachment is warranted and appropriate."
The ignorance, negativity and sheer, blind hatred was so strong that I was actually taken aback and had to turn it off for a few minutes to regain my composure. I turned it back on, and the blather resumed.
It occurred to me that the far-left liberals' big problem is that no one can maintain a rational thought process wih such blood-in-the-face irrational hatred flowing through them, so there's no way that people like this will ever see anything other than their own view. There's no way to have a back-and-forth dialog with anyone like that, so there's no point to it. In this case, it had ceased to be a talk show anymore -- it was just a Psychotic Rant show. So I turned it off.
And it'll stay off. I have no further need for Air America, not even to hear how the other half thinks. It appears that many Liberals simply don't think. They just feel. That's a big mistake in this day and age, and it hampers our nation's ability to become what it truly could be.
I'm a Conservative (or, perhaps, a budding Libertarian). Like everyone, I want the war to end, and to see all our soldiers come home soon. But to blame our President for this war and demand an immediate pullout from Iraq is as absurd as blaming him for the attacks of 9/11, or for the 1991 Gulf War, or for Watergate.
Come to think of it, the talk show host I listened to on Air America probably blames Bush for at least one or two of those, too.